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Mahinda_Rajapaksha_With_Gamini senarathna

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Former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath and former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath, who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate’s Court, are to be remanded until the 15th of this month.Former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath and former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath, who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate’s Court, are to be remanded until the 15th of this month.Former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath and former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath, who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate’s Court, are to be remanded until the 15th of this month.Former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath and former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath, who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate’s Court, are to be remanded until the 15th of this month.Former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath and former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath, who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate’s Court, are to be remanded until the 15th of this month.Former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath and former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath, who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate’s Court, are to be remanded until the 15th of this month.Former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath and former Presidential Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath, who surrendered to the Fort Magistrate’s Court, are to be remanded until the 15th of this month.

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