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No confidence motion against the local government minister. No-confidence motion against the local government minister Faizer Mustapha has been handed over to the Speaker by 12 united opposition MPs.No confidence motion against the local government minister. No-confidence motion against the local government minister Faizer Mustapha has been handed over to the Speaker by 12 united opposition MPs.No confidence motion against the local government minister. No-confidence motion against the local government minister Faizer Mustapha has been handed over to the Speaker by 12 united opposition MPs.No confidence motion against the local government minister. No-confidence motion againNo confidence motion against the local government minister. No-confidence motion against the local government minister Faizer Mustapha has been handed over to the Speaker by 12 united opposition the local government minister Faizer Mustapha has been handed over to the Speaker by 12 united opposition MPs.No confidence motion against the local government minister. No-confidence motion against the local government minister Faizer Mustapha has been handed over to the Speaker by 12 united opposition MPs.No confidence motion against the local government minister. No-confidence motion against the local government minister Faizer Mustapha has been handed over to the Speaker by 12 united opposition MPs.

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