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Speaking at a media briefing held in Colombo today the Chairman of the Private Parents’ Association Gamman Wijeratne said that he would also support the fight against Saitem.

His daughter also studied at Saitama Medical College and for a long time appeared for Saitem.

Speaking at a media briefing held in Colombo today the Chairman of the Private Parents’ Association Gamman Wijeratne said that he would also support the fight against Saitem.

His daughter also studied at Saitama Medical College and for a long time appeared for Saitem.

Speaking at a media briefing held in Colombo today the Chairman of the Private Parents’ Association Gamman Wijeratne said that he would also support the fight against Saitem.

His daughter also studied at Saitama Medical College and for a long time appeared for Saitem.

Speaking at a media briefing held in Colombo today the Chairman of the Private Parents’ Association Gamman Wijeratne said that he would also support the fight against Saitem.

His daughter also studied at Saitama Medical College and for a long time appeared for Saitem.

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