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අපරාධ පරීක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව විසින් පවත්වන ලද පරීක්ෂණ බොහොමයක් මේ වන විට නීතීපති දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ උපදෙස් නෙලැබීම හේතුවෙන් නතර වී ඇති බවත් ඒ හේතුවෙන් දූෂණ වංචා රැසක පරීක්ෂණ කටයතු ප්‍රමාදවන බවත් සදහන්ය.





































































It is reported that President Maithripala’s attention has been drawn towards the expeditious investigation of several corruption cases that had been delayed due to the shortcomings prevailing in the Polis departments. He is prepared to expedite the work from next January.
Most of the investigations conducted by the CID have been stopped due to the instructions given by the Attorney General’s Department and due to this the investigations are being delayed due to various corruption cases.
It is reported that President Maithripala’s attention has been drawn towards the expeditious investigation of several corruption cases that had been delayed due to the shortcomings prevailing in the Polis departments. He is prepared to expedite the work from next January.
Most of the investigations conducted by the CID have been stopped due to the instructions given by the Attorney General’s Department and due to this the investigations are being delayed due to various corruption cases.
It is reported that President Maithripala’s attention has been drawn towards the expeditious investigation of several corruption cases that had been delayed due to the shortcomings prevailing in the Polis departments. He is prepared to expedite the work from next January.
Most of the investigations conducted by the CID have been stopped due to the instructions given by the Attorney General’s Department and due to this the investigations are being delayed due to various corruption cases.


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