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එම අනතුරින් පුද්ගලයින් දෙදෙනෙකු මරණයට පත්ව ඇති අතර තවත් පුද්ගලයින් 25කට අධික පිරිසක් තුවාල ලබා රෝහල් ගත කර ඇති බව පොලීසිය සදහන් කර සිටියි.













































A bus has toppled over a precipice at Thunnakade in Rangala, around 7.00pm today.

Two people were killed and more than 25 people were injured and hospitalized, police said.

A bus has toppled over a precipice at Thunnakade in Rangala, around 7.00pm today.

Two people were killed and more than 25 people were injured and hospitalized, police said.

A bus has toppled over a precipice at Thunnakade in Rangala, around 7.00pm today.

Two people were killed and more than 25 people were injured and hospitalized, police said.

A bus has toppled over a precipice at Thunnakade in Rangala, around 7.00pm today.

Two people were killed and more than 25 people were injured and hospitalized, police said.

A bus has toppled over a precipice at Thunnakade in Rangala, around 7.00pm today.

Two people were killed and more than 25 people were injured and hospitalized, police said.

A bus has toppled over a precipice at Thunnakade in Rangala, around 7.00pm today.

Two people were killed and more than 25 people were injured and hospitalized, police said.
















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