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Basil owes Rs 6.800 million It has been reported that about Rs.6000 million has been lost to a number of contractors due to non payment of funds for the road contract awarded due to the withdrawal from the government. Especially in the year 2004 Basil Rajapaksa, who was then a minister, had given these contracts and a 30% commission was obtained for this purpose and the contractors say that he has lost his bill due to the return of 20% of the election campaign. apparel.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Highways and Higher Education said that several complaints have also been received.

Basil owes Rs 6.800 million It has been reported that about Rs.6000 million has been lost to a number of contractors due to non payment of funds for the road contract awarded due to the withdrawal from the government. Especially in the year 2004 Basil Rajapaksa, who was then a minister, had given these contracts and a 30% commission was obtained for this purpose and the contractors say that he has lost his bill due to the return of 20% of the election campaign. apparel.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Highways and Higher Education said that several complaints have also been received.

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