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Three high court panel trials for daily proceedings. Three-day High Court bench trials on daily basis for bribery, corruption, money laundering, fraud, violation of trust, forfeit documents and other irregularities with a value exceeding Rs. 5 million. Minister of Justice Thalatha Athukorala to take the necessary steps within six months It is to mention that the set.Three high court panel trials for daily proceedings. Three-day High Court bench trials on daily basis for bribery, corruption, money laundering, fraud, violation of trust, forfeit documents and other irregularities with a value exceeding Rs. 5 million. Minister of Justice Thalatha Athukorala to take the necessary steps within six months It is to mention that the set.Three high court panel trials for daily proceedings. Three-day High Court bench trials on daily basis for bribery, corruption, money laundering, fraud, violation of trust, forfeit documents and other irregularities with a value exceeding Rs. 5 million. Minister of Justice Thalatha Athukorala to take the necessary steps within six months It is to mention that the set.Three high court panel trials for daily proceedings. Three-day High Court bench trials on daily basis for bribery, corruption, money laundering, fraud, violation of trust, forfeit documents and other irregularities with a value exceeding Rs. 5 million. Minister of Justice Thalatha Athukorala to take the necessary steps within six months It is to mention that the set.





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